Saturday, July 5, 2008

escape (013/365)

escape (013/365)

i have to admit, i'm a little pressed for time today. which is why i feel so uncreative for today's picture. i could have waited until we came back from shopping to finish this and do it right, but i can't possibly shop knowing i need to do this! it drives me mad. I think this is partially why (or mostly) i can't sleep at night. the anxiety and desire to complete tomorrows 365 kills me! and it keeps my brain awake. i think i may go insane from this project. if i do...i may actually get a lot of good ideas...HAH!

hope you enjoy your day :] leave me some nice comments heheeeee. even if you aren't a member!

goodbye lovelies.

Friday, July 4, 2008

how to fall (012/365)

how to fall (012/365)

1. climb on top of mom's dresser while mostly destroying items on top.
2. get in fetal position.
3. let go.

i wanted today's to be a little bit darker or creepier. but WOW. it literally is a dark and contrast-y picture. i had a different picture in my mind...but...somehow it did not come out right. im not sure what it was. lack of light. terrible wall color for photos in my mom's room. hmmm. still was fun slipping on and off to check the photo, then doing the whale to get back on! haha. its actually a pretty tall dresser. for someone whos a 5'5 wimp like me :D

enjoy the 4th!

goodbye lovelies.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

butterflies (011/365)

butterflies (011/365)

ever felt butterflies in your stomach?

you should be proud of me today, and here is why. i successfully got up and got ready FULLY. (minus the fact that i slept in till 1.30pm) hehe. this whole time that i've been home i've skipped out on a couple key steps to getting ready. such as...forgetting to shower...forgetting to eat breakfast...leaving the house looking really terrible. so today was nice to actually not feel rushed and get ready. haha. im lame!

goodbye lovelies.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

down the rabbit hole (010/365)

down the rabbit hole (010/365)

i was thinking about alice in wonderland when i did this shot. and how she fell down the hole going every which way- not knowing which is up or down. my hair was originally flying up, to go with the idea. but man! was i having a hard time with it...i ended up ditching this idea and trying to do about 384398493240 other ones, which i bombed. i went out to shopping to see if i could relieve my stress (haha! im pathetic) and it did me worse. I found nothing to buy, and poo! I was sad. So i came back to this hoping I could give my hair cpr, but i couldnt. so i left it as-is.

"It would be so nice if something made sense for a change."-Alice

ps. the umbrella i picked up in italy last summer!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

sweet tea <3 (009/365)

our first collaboration! (009/365)

today was a true feat for the three of us. we've had this collaboration planned for a while now, so its been long awaited! None of them had ever tried sweet tea. so I was determined to get them to try it. Im not talking about the Nestea sweetened tea either! thats a load of crap. Im talking...authentic southern sweet tea! Its definitely my kind of drink. Anyways. Today was just a fun picture for all of us. I will let you in on a little secret. The three of us have never met! I think we each have about...3,000+ miles between us. So today was a little "e-hang" day for us. :] Haha

I'm giving ALL the credit to Kolby who stitched this photo together for all of us. We each just decided to edit it our own way :]

Have fun with it! it was a lot of fun for me, definitely. thanks to kayla and kolby for doing this!

goodbye lovelies.

Monday, June 30, 2008

time (008/365)

time (008/365)

i was inspired by this quote for today's photo: "There is only one thing that lasts longer than time, and that is true love." -unknown.

this clock is actually on our living room. i helped my mom pick it out last year because i love older looking clocks. i cheated i guess, because its brand new, but has that vintage feel. haha. so i wanted to use it. i know i've used the fairy dust before, but i had to use it again today! it was too perfect.

its sunny and hot and humid here! hope you are all drinking lots of water. i once again woke up and did nothing to get ready or take care of myself. so i should probably do that now :] to engulfed in this project! :D

group collaboration tomorrow? i think so! stick wont want to miss that

goodbye lovelies.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

the secrets we hide (007/365)

the secrets we hide (007/365)

secrets can really ruin us. i didn't do this concept today knowing i was hiding a secret, because i dont believe i am. i did it merely for the feeling, because i know what it feels like to have something you hold on to for so long it can ruin you. you start to decay, really. this photo didnt come out as i had imagined. my imagination is really...i cant think of the word...its really just...complicated! everything is so detailed so when i try to achieve what i imagine, sometimes i cant follow through. i was imagining a huge black death tree to the left trying to eat me, or swallow me in its branches. its a great idea, but, hard for me to accomplish since im still learning. one day! one day...also, i was a little sad the box didn't quite come out more, but i was wearing black so i couldn't expect much. i am however happy with it. the tree i did choose shows its staggered and weak branches. something you feel when you are decaying.

besides all of that, there is ONE secret i can share with you that you may not know about me, maybe except kayla. I am a HUGE fan of Nascar. Thanks to my dad who raised me right. Haha. Im watching the race today, hoping Dale J will take home a win :] I am a huge redneck nerd. Thanks! Enjoy the sunny day.

goodbye lovelies.
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