Please enjoy the post! Lots of fun things for me :)
Here are a few recent edits from my past two weddings. I'm lovin' it so far!
Very gloomy today. My kind of weather! I thrive in the cold. Maybe its my pale skin...But I have a new necessity now for early class mornings. The starbucks frap :)
Also just shipped off a wedding album to a client. Turned out great and can't wait for the 2 other orders on the way! Also in the process of putting together the finishing touches on a proof book. Always hard for me to narrow down 100 photos.
An AMAZING new find today on Etsy. World map decor?!?!? YES PLEASE! I wish I had wall space for it. One day... OH. And of course a shout out to my favorite blog, not only for inspiration for my photography, but for my personal desire for that silly piece of paper that I desire =p Green Wedding Shoes!
And lastly, some freshly baked cookies grandma made yesterday! I can't stop eating them. Explains why the cookie monster is my favorite sesame. And, tomorrow I'm developing my film project's film! Nervous! Its been a while...(I feel old now)
Have a great rest of the week! I'm excited for the weekend. A date, good italian food, gelato, cupcake baking, and possibly a photo exhibition attendance!