Saturday, October 4, 2008


Originally uploaded by Katherine Elizabeth

i had so much fun climbing up on this fence my grandma's backyard is too beautiful.

i'm loving the cold weather today. tomorrow i am sure it will be 99 degrees again, but im enjoying my wardrobe of long sleeves today. also, a warm cup of tea with grandma is awesome.

outtake of me being. silly? and falling...

view from another angle (103/365)

yesterday was a friends birthday and we were out all night, so i had not much time to edit and post!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

am i suffocating you? (102/365)

to love something so much. a lot of people say "this picture means so much to me...etc" about their SP's and i think this is the first time i can actually say "this is a part of me."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

pushing daisies (101/365)

literally! i am so excited for the premiere tonight of my favorite show! ahhhhh you should all watch it! 8pm on ABC tonight.

i am pretty proud of myself. i finished an essay and its before midnight. night before its due. good habits! and still managed to do my 365

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

oh, the road ahead (100/365)!!!

wow! day 100, huh? there are 100 post-its on and around me with every single title i've put on my photos thus far. :] some were actually cut off due to the crop but trust me...i wrote all 100. pain in my aaaaaaa. thanks to the BF for this idea. i was thinking...hmm...."what could i have 100 of?"

i posted some new prints in my etsy shop! click here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

left behind (099/365)

wow! i can't believe tomorrow will be day 100! ahhh! must prepare for greatness....after my art quiz, washing car....biology notes...studying, photo assignment ahhhh!

it rained this morning :] so nice to see it cold outside.

so! some new news.

this month (to those of you in the So.Cal area) i will be showing some of my "italy" work at a benefit show to help get my friend to south africa this interm. ill post the flyer later for you all to see, but make sure if you ARE in the area, come and say hi to me! i love meeting new people, and ill be surrounded by other great photog's from flickr there. plus, buying art=cool thing?

also! i posted some new prints in my etsy shop! click here. i love the new ones because there are some different sizes that will print sooo beautifully. i also have some new surprise additions im adding (mostly benefiting girls, sorry boys.) ill keep you all updated :]

Sunday, September 28, 2008

when all is lost (097/365)

where has all my creativity gone. has anyone seen it? late upload. i've got a million things going on in my mind. some good news is coming though! so stick around for tomorrow. i am not looking forward to my biology lab....but excited for other good things. :D
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